Saturday 9th July 2022

It's time to conclude my blog - exactly 12 weeks after my first entry on Sunday 17th April 2022! I went to bed at 04:00 (UK time) this morning, after a quite exhausting 24-hour journey home, and got up at 08:30 after around 4 hours sleep, so I am going to rest up today, whilst my mind and body get into some sort of synchronisation with the time-lag situation that long-haul flights inevitably impose on you! My first thought this morning is simply to thank everyone who has made an effort to read through my daily blog. Some of you have been ardent followers (so well done to you!) and others have dipped in and out when they have had the time. I am grateful to each and every one of you, and I hope that you have enjoyed reading about my many varied experiences out in Sri Lanka. It has been quite amazing! Although it has been amazing, and I wouldn't change it at all, it has also been extremely challenging, far more so than the 3 months I spent in Sri Lanka at the end of 2019. The coun...