Sunday 3rd July 2022

I had a wonderful time returning to Potree T.V. School today to take part in the graduation ceremony for the Rotary International Project's third batch of students, who have just completed their 6-month Training Programme. I travelled there in Reggie's car, with Jana and an electrician friend, who went on to the Tea Leaf Vision School in Maskeliya to sort out some electrical issues there.

The teachers had done a great job of arranging the graduation ceremony, with two of them acting as Master of Ceremonies, and various people being invited up to share a poem or a song, plus an opportunity for each student to share what the course has meant to them. I had to make a speech, and Gobi did too, before we gave out the certificates that were being awarded to each of the teachers today.

24 of the teachers came - from the cohort of 30 - which was very impressive, as some had to travel quite a way to get there, and travel is extremely tricky currently. We saw very little traffic on our journey to and from the school. They had arranged a good lunch for everyone, and I thought the atmosphere was lovely. It was such a great occasion for me to end on after my 3 months here.

Gobi presented me with a lovely, framed picture, as did the cohort of students (who presented a signed one to Gobi too). I also presented Gobi with a framed picture, as a thank you for all he has done with the Rotary International Project. The teachers absolutely love Gobi, and they had clubbed together to buy him a bookcase as a thank you - he just got a picture of it today, with a voucher to go and collect it. 

I was delighted that Gobi's wife Kavi was able to join us today too. It was my last chance to see them both before I leave for Colombo on Tuesday and fly home on Friday. I have enjoyed working with Gobi immensely, and I feel very proud of what he has achieved through the Rotary International Project. It was a sad moment saying goodbye to him today, but we will see each other again, I am sure!


  1. I expect 'Teamwork makes the dream work' is one of your mantras? From all you report, the dream of delivering good English Language teaching to the children of the plantations is becoming reality.


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