Saturday 2nd July 2022

Hello there bloggers, and thank you to the few people who are still blogging in. We are down to just a handful a day now - and only 7 more posts to go - but I will soldier on regardless - taking my cue from Mastermind, where the indomitable Magnus Magnusson always said: 'I've started, so I'll finish'. If you are one of the few hardy souls still reading my blog, then thank you very much for your perseverance!

I decided to stay home today and pack all my stuff, as I have a very busy day tomorrow, and I want to leave Monday as free as I can to say goodbye to a few people. My key job today was to decide what to leave behind in a suitcase I bought last time I was in Sri Lanka for that very purpose, what to pass on to Daya, and what to bring home next Friday.

I ended up giving Daya a few things when he popped back in after school before heading off home, and I then filled the suitcase with all the stuff that is staying here, ready for my next trip to Sri Lanka. I pretty much filled it, although I could have squeezed a bit more in. We had our first power cut today then, and I felt exhausted, so I just went to sleep for a while.

On waking, I completed the packing, but we then had a second power cut, which is rather unusual and not on in my opinion! Val phoned me not long after the power went off - from Edinburgh, where she arrived yesterday to stay with our son Ben. It will be so good to see her again next Friday/Saturday. No fresh photos today, I'm afraid, so I have picked out a few favourites from my time here.


  1. The photos seem to encapsulate your Sri Lankan experience - the TLV HQ, the tea pickers, the tea-growing landscape, the cuisine, the teacher/students and some of the school children who will benefit from their English language teaching. It is notable how earnestly each of the children in the last photo are looking at the cameraman!


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