Thursday 29th February 2024

Well it's a Happy Birthday to Miggy to start with if you are still looking in, and this is definitely my last blog entry, and the only reason I am popping one in today is because my 12-hour flight from Colombo to Heathrow has landed, and I am now at Heathrow Central Bus Station waiting for my coach to Bath. Sadly, the connections didn't work very well, so I have a 2-hour wait until my coach leaves at 23:15, and I don't get back to Bath until 01:20, which is a bit of a killer. So, what of my reflections on my past 2 months in Sri Lanka. From my point of view, it has been a brilliant trip, and I have achieved all that I set out to do (almost) - and even more. The 'almost' is that I failed to visit the Tea Leaf Centre in Udapussellawa this time, but my schedule was amazingly full-on, so it just wasn't possible to cram that in as well. I would also have loved to have spent a bit more time with Gobi and Kavi in Bogawantalawa, but it was not to be! My key reflection o...