Wednesday 28th February 2024

Today is my last day in Sri Lanka, and, apart from going out for dinner with Aruni and her husband Babu this evening, it has been a rather uneventful day, so I would like to close my final entry of my blog today by saying thank you to a number of people, who have either made my fourth trip to Sri Lanka possible, or who have made a significant difference to my visit this time around. I have, as always, had the most amazing time out here.

I must start by thanking my wife Val, who has, so far, not accompanied me on my four extended visits to Sri Lanka, but has made each visit possible, as she has understood my need to take part in the work of Tea Leaf Trust out here, and has been very supportive. Her mother will be 85 in April, and she has chosen to remain with her in the winter months to look after her, but I am hoping that she will come out to Sri Lanka eventually, as it is such an amazing country to visit.

I would also like to thank Tim and Yad for making this all possible. As co-founders of Tea Leaf Trust, they established a Non Government Organisation that is now so well regarded in the Hill Country in Sri Lanka, and continues to grow in terms of new centres opening, and in terms of the influence it has in this beautiful region. Many NGOs fail to achieve longevity, so it is a credit to Tea Leaf Trust that it is still going strong well over a decade after it was first established.

Thanks must go to Yadharshi, Sutharshan, Jesmin, and Chan - the Central Management Team who lead the work of Tea Leaf Trust in Sri Lanka, and I would also like to thank all the Principals of the Tea Leaf Centres and their staff, who gave me such a warm welcome everywhere that I went. It has always been a pleasure to work with each and every one of these people, and I am very grateful to all the staff and students that I have supported on this visit.

I must also thank Miggy, Stephanie, Isabelle, and Asini - fellow volunteers who have made this fourth visit to Sri Lanka even more enjoyable than usual. As Tea Leaf Trust's Volunteers Coordinator, it was been a delight to witness the quality of these volunteers, each one of whom has made such a positive contribution to the work of Tea Leaf Trust. If you are reading this and wondering if you could be a volunteer yourself, please do get in touch with me.

Finally, I want to thank family, friends, and fellow Bathavon Rotary Club Rotarians who have made the effort to read my blog, with a particular thanks to my very good friend Charles Hayward, who has made so many encouraging comments in response to what I have written. Writing a blog can become a bit of a chore at times, so having a few people giving me occasional feedback has made so much of a difference to me at times, and kept me going!

It's over and out from me now, as I have come to the end of what has been another wonderful 2-month stay in this amazing country. When I arrive in the country, it feels like I have a long period of time ahead of me, but by the time I leave, I look back and wonder how 2 months flew by so quickly. I have achieved everything I set out to do this time round, but there will still be plenty more for me to do when I return again next year hopefully.

N.B. If I feel motivated tomorrow, I may add one final blog for Thursday 29th February, with some final reflections, and a few of my favourite photographs from the past two months.

The last photographs are of the view from the 9th floor of the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel last night, and one of my last dinner in Sri Lanka tonight with Aruni and her husband Babu.


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