Tuesday 21st January 2025
It was an action-packed day in Bogawantalawa, that started off with me interviewing Ms. Krishanthini Kanagarathnam, the Admin. Officer, which was a delight. I love interviewing the staff and creating a short profile for them, as I get to know their 'stories', and it is a privilege to hear about what we refer to as their 'Tea Leaf journey'. I was hoping to write this one up during the day, but there just wasn't any time, with everything else I had to do. Kavi had arranged for us to visit Holy Rosary MV school, which was only a short walk away, and we had brilliant sunshine today for the first time in a long time, so it was all the more enjoyable to have a walk to the school. Kavi even took an umbrella to shade her from the sun it was so hot! I was going there to interview 5 of the teachers who have taken part in the 6-month English Programme that Kavi runs, and we received an extremely warm welcome at the school. After chatting with them, there was the obligatory pho...