Thursday 27th February 2025

Astonishingly, today's blog entry is my 400th blog entry since my very first one on Sunday 15th September 2019. I can only hazard to guess how many hours it has taken me to download all my photographs for my daily blogs, write the scripts, then attach the photographs each day. It can take anything from 30 minutes to an hour to do all that, so I have spent a huge chunk of time doing this, and I can only hope my readers feel that it has been worth all that effort!

I had yet another sports event this morning, and this time it was the Nursery and Upper Kindergarten (UKG) Games Day, which had all the elements of the other two larger sports events, but also the 'cute' factor of seeing the Nursery children (3-4-year-olds) engaged in some rather amusing athletic challenges. The organisation of each of these events has been second to none, and I have been hugely impressed with the hard work and dedication of all the staff.

My attendance at the Games Day meant that I only had time for two observations of English in general lessons today, one Art lesson and one Science lesson, plus feedback sessions with the teachers afterwards. After school, I went back to the apartment, but I hadn't been there that long before Sandra called inviting me to go to Cafe Amakie with her, which has become one of my favourite venues for a snack lunch or dinner here in Kurunegala, and we enjoyed a good chat.

Daya came to visit this evening, and I think he will be staying for two nights. He didn't leave Batticaloa until 15:30, which meant that he didn't get to Kurunegala until 22:15, but it was lovely to see him, and we'll have a proper catch-up tomorrow. I have a full day of work on my final day tomorrow, so he is going to attend some Tamil classes - 2 'Link' classes for Sinhala students, and 3 'Language' classes for Tamil students, which I hope he will find very interesting.

Today's photographs are from the Nursery and UKG Games Day, plus a couple I took when I was observing the Art lesson.


  1. Over the 400 entries you have recorded so many activities you must feel as though you belong in Sri Lanka; and yet I know you always look forward to returning to your family and home roots...


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