Friday 28th February 2025

Today was my last working day in school, although I may pop in on Monday to say a fond farewell to various people, with the hope that I will return one day. As Daya was staying with me for two nights, he accompanied me into school today and was able to observe two Tamil link lessons (for Sinhalese students) and three Tamil language lessons (for Tamil students). He loved the school, and he very much enjoyed the opportunity to see the Tamil lessons.

I had two final Maths lessons and one final observation of the standard of English in lessons, which I greatly enjoyed. I also had a feedback session with two of the Sectional Heads, where I was able to provide very positive feedback to them regarding my experience on both the English and the Maths side of things at the RIS. I had a bit of a break then, before a final management meeting with Ravi, Agatha, and Tharika, which lasted around an hour.

Daya joined me once I had finished for the day, and we got a tuk-tuk into Kurunegala to do some shopping. For some reason, I had been given some Microsoft Points, which I was able to convert into vouchers, one of which was for Singer, and I was able to get an electric beard trimmer for Daya with it. We popped into a few more shops, as Daya needed to get some birthday surprises for a special someone, then we took a long walk back instead of bothering with a tuk-tuk.

Walking through Kurunegala city centre at twilight was an interesting experience, as we came across thousands of myna birds (part of the starling family), which were covering the trees on the roadside, and the telegraph wires, whilst making an incredible sound. It took us around 45 minutes to walk to Olu where we were having dinner, and we bumped into Sandra's brother Hilary and his wife Seemanthani, so we had a good chat with them as they finished their meal.


  1. I've just learnt that myna birds migrate in pairs. Keith, I guess you are thinking it's time to fly home to join your dear life companion!


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