Wednesday 26th February 2025

There was no school today, because it was another Public Holiday to celebrate Maha Shivarathri, a Hindu festival celebrated in honour of the deity Shiva. It was lovely to have a day to relax, which is pretty much all I did as I needed to. It was a little cooler today, because it threatened to rain for much of the day, then finally did this afternoon. Although it was lovely to be a little cooler, it was also very humid, so it still felt rather oppressive (much better than being cold though!).

Despite the humidity, I took the opportunity to do a big pile of washing, and I will now only have to do one smaller wash at the weekend before I leave next Tuesday to fly home. Everything dried very quickly, so it was a good decision in the end, as I am now starting to think about tying up any loose ends before the end of this week. I have quite a few things to sort out in terms of leaving some stuff here, as I usually do now, and taking the rest back home with me.

I had a meeting with a prospective volunteer this evening, which I enjoyed, as it's always lovely to have the opportunity to encourage people to support Tea Leaf's work out here. It was a young lady who happened to have been born 3 days before my daughter, Hannah, was born, which was very nice. I think she might volunteer for a couple of weeks in September, but this evening was just a general chat to introduce her to the sort of placement that Tea Leaf can offer a volunteer.

My experience with Tea Leaf, and my experience here with the Royal International School, could hardly be more different in just so many ways, but I love them both so much, and I feel very privileged to be able to come out to this wonderful country of Sri Lanka to support two amazing organisations, and to be able to have such a positive impact on both of them. At my time of life, not many people are as fortunate as me to have these incredible experiences, so I do feel very blessed.

There are just four photographs today, all taken from various sides of my lovely apartment, and all showing the dramatic change in the weather today.


  1. You are blessed by experiencing such contrasting teaching establishments, and I'm sure you bless each of them in equal measure!


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