Sunday 2nd March 2025

Today was a last day out with Sandra, who invited Tharika to join us, as we visited the Primate Centre Eco Lodge at Polonnaruwa (known locally as the 'Monkey Camp'). We left just after 09:00, and it was a long journey to Polannaruwa - almost 3 hours including a stop for a cup of tea on the way. On arriving, we went to Priyamali Gedara for a delicious buffet lunch. It is a popular spot for tourists, and there were many people there from around the world.

Having been met at the lunch stop by Niroshan, a family friend of Sandra's, we then followed him out to Nishantha Wood Carvings, where he works with his father. It has been a traditional carved woodwork factory since 1981, and it has over 20,000 rare wood carvings and furniture on display. In fact, it was so vast that we only really skimmed the surface there in terms of appreciating all that the place had to offer, but we had to move on to our main mission of the day.

We eventually arrived at the Primate Centre Eco Lodge, but it was a little disappointing not to see any primates at all whilst we were there, as it is really a research centre, with a bit of tourism thrown in (that includes monkey tours, which weren't on our agenda today). We did, however, meet with Doctor Dittus, who explained his scientific research into the social behaviour of monkeys and gave us a little tour around the grounds.

Although we didn't see any monkeys, we did see some other creatures by the lake, including a monitor lizard and a rather beautiful kingfisher. All too soon, however, it was time to embark on the long drive back to Kurunegala, arriving just before 19:00. As we had enjoyed such a great buffet lunch, I didn't bother with dinner this evening but started sorting my stuff out in preparation for my long journey home on Tuesday, which I feel ready for now.

Today's photos are from the lunch at Priyamali Gedera, Nishantha Wood Carvings, and the Primate Centre Eco Lodge, which you can all find online if you want to check them out yourself!


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