Tuesday 15th October 2024

It was an interesting day today, as we started off this morning with a meeting with Sandra, Ravi, and Buddhika, which clarified some clear goals and targets for us over the next 2 months. We will basically be focusing in on developing all aspects of Maths with Grades 1 and 2, which we are both extremely happy about. This includes supporting the teachers in their use of English as they teach Maths lessons, which I think we will both enjoy very much.

We moved into our new office in the Junior Department today, which is a lot more comfortable, as it has air conditioning rather than a fan (the fans seem to have triggered Valerie's eczema). It is kind of weird being back in a Headteacher's type office, but obviously something I am familiar with - albeit that I am now in my 10th year of retirement. Retirement - what retirement? I seem to have developed a liking for throwing myself back in at the deep end again.

Sandra came round after school for a cup of tea and a chat, which was lovely. We thought about going swimming after that, but it was pouring with rain again, so we will have to wait for some brighter weather in the evenings, which is due apparently. It meant that we had a very relaxing late afternoon and early evening. Our life here is certainly very comfortable and very enjoyable, and we are enjoying working together on the same project for once.

We only have one more working day this week, as on Thursday there is a Poya Day. How lovely to be living in a society where they give you a day off every month because there is a full moon - with two days off for Vesak in May, which is the most special Poya Day of the year! Sandra is very kindly taking us away for 2 nights on Thursday's Poya Day, so we have Friday off too this week, as we are not returning to Kurunegala until Saturday afternoon.

Today's photos show our new office in the Junior Department, a random plant photo (I do love these huge plants), and views of the Senior School building and the new building that is being built to house students in the Junior Department.


  1. You look like a proper Headmaster in the pictures above :-)


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