Wednesday 14th February 2024

My younger granddaughter Esther is 5 years old today, so I messaged her 10-year-old sister Isabella to ask her to wish her a 'Happy Birthday' from me. It was much less of a crazy day today, with a morning filled with lesson observations - this time observing English lessons in the Upper KinderGarten (UKG) classes, which is the equivalent to Year 1, so I could almost imagine Esther being at school with the children I was with all morning today (just a bit older).

It was really useful today to watch the teaching of English to the 5-year-olds, whose level of understanding is already very impressive. As with the Tea Leaf Centres, it is a fully immersive system, so everything is conducted in English, and it is impressive how much English these 5-year-olds already know, in the same way that the progress Tea Leaf students make through the one-year full-time English Diploma is also extremely impressive.

If you have been reading my blog, you may remember that Erica, who I had a wonderful weekend with in Tangalle, gave me a huge selection of Maths resources to pass on to the Maths staff at the Royal International School in Kurunegala. This afternoon after school, was my opportunity to meet with the Maths staff over at the Senior School, which is a truly impressive building. In fact, there isn't much about the Royal International School that I haven't found impressive!

The maths resources were very well received, and I am confident that they will be very well used by the Maths team. After this appointment, I went for an ice-cream with Tharika and Evinka, before going back to my hotel. Madam Sandra met me at the hotel later on in the evening, and we had dinner together by the lake, chatting about various aspects of her work with the Royal International School, plus her creative ideas for the future of the school.

Today's photographs are of this morning's lesson observations, my arrival at the very impressive entrance to the Senior School, and this afternoon's meeting with a few key members of the school's Maths team.


  1. Good photos of the teachers devouring Erica's material - interestingly, no males among them.


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