Monday 14th October 2024

It was back to work today, and I would love to say with a vengeance, but we found ourselves on a bit of a 'time-filling' exercise, as the Grades 1 and 2 section we are meant to be focusing on had mid-term tests today (and again tomorrow). We were assigned lesson observations in Grade 6 instead, but we were just given two teachers between us, so we ended up with two lessons apiece for each teacher, which was still enjoyable, but far less effective in terms of our agreed focus.

In the afternoon we were assigned 2 hours to go through the Maths Textbooks for Grades 1 through to 6, which was quite interesting, but these text books are clearly not sufficient for the range of students across each Grade. Some of the poorest students are really struggling, whilst the brightest students are not receiving any challenge, and, although they love Maths, they are very bored in Maths lessons, as the work is far too easy for them. We can help with this, of course!

Oh my goodness, did we know it was the rainy season today! It rained pretty much all day, but when it pours here, it absolutely torrents down - apparently there was serious flooding around Colombo. I know from experience that the rain causes havoc on the roads in Sri Lanka, particularly in the Hill Country, where landslides can completely block roads for long periods of time. The good thing about the rain is that is means it is also a little cooler, so we can't complain!

One thing we certainly cannot complain about is the way that we are being looked after here! We are being treated with the most amazing care and consideration, with fabulous accommodation, and the most amazing meals next door at Razeena's home. I could quite happily survive very long term - if not for good - on the Sri Lankan diet, which is largely vegetarian-based, and, I find a lot healthier than ours (depending what you eat in the UK, of course!).

Today's photographs show Valerie at breakfast, a couple of pieces of artwork that are making our apartment look even more homely (the cacti from a friend in Colombo called Afwaj, and the painting gifted to me by my great friend, Ragu), and my friend, Aruni with her baby boy - now 5 days old! There are also a few shots at the end of the an extremely rainy day in school, and one of Valerie at dinner (just like the first one, but the food is very different!).


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