Wednesday 24th January 2024

It looks like I am writing my blog for such a tiny group of people at the moment, but I will press on with it, as I promised to keep it going during this current trip to Sri Lanka. I suspect people are all 'blogged out', and it is factual, so I cannot make things up to make it a bit more entertaining for people! I slept from 21:00 last night until 09:00 this morning, which is an indication I think of how ill and exhausted I was from the past couple of days.

I was going to go into school at 10:00, but Jesmin encouraged me to rest, and for once I took someone's advice and took the day off to recover, only to discover that tomorrow is a Poya Day, so I have an extra day off then too! You can imagine my jubilation when I got that news from our French volunteer Isabelle! I have quite a lot of paperwork that I can do at my leisure at home tomorrow, so I will be able to pace myself back into things, which will be lovely!

I went into town instead of going to school - initially to Vision Care, the opticians where I bought my glasses a couple of years ago now. They needed a bit of fixing, and I get my eye care requirements met here now, and my dental care when I am in Croatia, as glasses are just too expensive in the UK, and trying to find a dentist is like panning for gold in the Rocky Mountains (not that I've ever tried that!). They were very helpful, as always, anyway!

I popped into GROW to see Donald and Ladushan, and it was very quiet there, as their students don't arrive until after 'A' Level results at the end of this month. They have invited me to their Induction Day next Thursday 1st April, so I will certainly go to that to support them in promoting new students onto their programme (a white, very old, retired Headteacher always seems to do the trick, I find). From there, I ended up at the new Coffee Shop at The Grand Hotel!

Today's photos show my short time at GROW with Donald and Ladushan, and the lovely views from their entrance upstairs. There is also a photo of a lovely notice under a floral arch at The Grand Hotel, encouraging us to: 'JUST CELEBRATE LIFE', which seems very sound advice to me!


  1. Whether or not your blog has a large following, I suspect the discipline of writing it is a little cathartic - all part of celebrating life, perhaps!

  2. Please don't give up the blog Keith, I enjoy it immensely- but don't read it every day.


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