Monday 7th October 2024

We got cracking today with our prime reason for being here - to support the work of the Royal International School in Kurunegala. We worked together today to give Valerie a chance to settle in at the school, and we are having a gentle start at the Pre-Primary Department, where we will be spending 3 days seeing what they do so well there, before moving on this Thursday to the Junior Department, which is, of course, where our true area of expertise lies.

We received a wonderful welcome from both staff and students as we arrived at the school this morning, including a group of girls performing a beautiful, traditional dance for us. It was lovely doing the few lesson observations with Valerie today, before we work separately from tomorrow onwards. The standard of teaching in the Pre-Primary Department is truly impressive, and we were pretty amazed by what we witnessed today. We are both enjoying it so much already!

Sandra (who founded the school) and Ravi (the Managing Director) popped round to see us after school, and we both enjoyed chatting with them about the development of the school. This was followed by a highlight of the day for us, as we joined Sandra for an evening swim in the school's beautiful swimming pool. It was dark by the time we swam, but the pool is floodlit in the evening, and it was possibly the most enjoyable 20 lengths that I have swum for a long time!

A second highlight of the day - as part of World Teachers Day, which was on Saturday 5th October, the day we arrived in Sri Lanka - was being presented with a very special card from a lovely boy called Harindu in the Lower Kindergarten section (5 year-olds). I first met Harindu back in February (when I was considerably heavier!). If you ever entertain too high an opinion of yourself, then children certainly have the knack of setting your feet firmly back on the ground (see below!).

Today's photos show us about to set off for school this morning, the girls dancing for us as we arrived, a few from our lesson observations, and, finally that card from Harindu, in which he wrote: 'Dear Keeth Sir - I love you - you are my favorite sir. You are tall and fat. I love your fat belly. I am your clever boy Harindu'. His mum had even made a little video of him making it for me, which I have also added!


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