Friday 3rd March 2023

I reached my final day in Nuwara Eliya today, which started with a fairly leisurely morning at home in Blackpool before I headed off to Tea Leaf Centre Nuwara Eliya at 11:30, so that I could arrive in time to say goodbye to Ram, who was catching the 12:30 train from Nanu Oya to Ella. Ram is quite an amazing character, who has run over 100 marathons all over the world to raise money for charity, and I very much enjoyed chatting to him.

I was treated to lovely farewells from both staff and students at Nanu Oya. I think Daya is extremely fortunate to have the loveliest team of staff supporting him this year, and I know this has made his role as Principal both easier and more enjoyable. They presented me with a lovely dark orange jumper that I will treasure, as every time I wear it, I will be reminded of them all - each and every one of them!

As is the tradition with Tea Leaf, I was given the loveliest of send-offs by the students, with a touching little ceremony where they said very kind things about me and presented me with many hand-made cards. It was extremely touching, and I will bring all the cards home with me, as they are tokens of appreciation that mean a great deal to me, and some of my best moments have been spent here in Nanu Oya.

I had arranged to meet Donald and Ladushan at The Grand Hotel for a final farewell coffee and cake, which was yet another goodbye ticked off. I also said goodbye to the staff at the hotel, which has been like a second home to me, with a particularly fond farewell to Kamal Raj and Sajeevan, who I have known for the past 4 years now, and a nice goodbye from Suresh Abbas, the General Manager.

Today's photographs show my last day at Tea Leaf Centre Nuwara Eliya, and my afternoon tea meeting with Donald and Ladushan at The Grand Hotel.


  1. Good to know how your last few days at Nuwara Eliya have gone, Keith. You have devoted yourself to the Tea Leaf community for two whole months, and in return they have provided you with so many contacts that you must now be an integral part of the whole business.
    Your stay in Columbo will presumably serve as a helpful buffer between the world of TLT and your family life back in the UK.
    Given that you will soon be back in Bath, it was strange last night to bid your fellow Rotarian Tim Westbrook a safe journey to Columbo today, knowing that he and his wife Liz will be meeting you there tomorrow!

  2. Another successful trip, Keith. You are indeed an inspiration


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