Sunday 29th May 2022

I had a lovely day today socialising. I took a tuk-tuk to Norwood, where I waited for a while for Gobi to pick me up to take me to his place. Whilst waiting, I spotted some artwork at the bus shelter, which is the rather unique work of the very talented Kumaravel Dayaneethibabu (Daya for short!). Daya is very community minded and, as you can see, manages to combine this with his passion for superheroes!.

Gobi told me that the road to Bogawantalawa was terrible - and he wasn't kidding! It was easily the worst main road I have travelled along in Sri Lanka - more potholes than road in places. It made for a very uncomfortable journey to Gobi's place, although you do travel through some scenic countryside. I find this whole area stunningly beautiful, with lovely powerful waterfalls after all the recent rain.

I have enjoyed working with Gobi immensely, and it was so good to see his wife Kavi again, as the last time I saw her was at their wedding in November 2019. Since then, there has been a new arrival in the family - the rather gorgeous Merashini. Kavi's family were also around, and it was good to meet her parents and her sister. I also met lots of Kavi's English students, who popped in to meet me.

We had a delicious lunch, and then went for a walk, taking in the Bogawana Tea Factory and the little hydro-electric power station. Gobi then took me to the bus station in Bogawantalawa to get the bus back to Norwood, and I took a tuk-tuk from there back to Maskeliya. It was a wonderful day, but quite exhausting, which is why today's blog is so late arriving, as I was too tired this evening to do much.


  1. By all accounts a memorable Sunday outing, Keith. The bus shelter is an absolute winner!


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