Friday 29th April 2022

I had a very enjoyable time at work today. I was scheduled to take a 2-hour Kindernothilfe Project training session this afternoon, but I could not meet Mr. Saravanan (Vino) yesterday to plan it, as the school was closed, so I chatted to him this morning about his expectations for the training, which I then spent the rest of the morning planning (instead of what I was supposed to be doing on the schedule!).

The Kindernothilfe Project does outreach work in various rural hubs with some of the most vulnerable (often suicidal) mothers in the area. They set up self-help groups for these women so that they do not feel alone and support them in doing whatever they can to make their lives better for themselves and their children, including encouraging them to set up their own small businesses where possible.

Tea Leaf Vision has a team of 7 Outreach Workers setting up self-help groups that currently include almost 400 very vulnerable mothers across the region. Vino has promised to take me to some of these areas to see the work in action, so I look forward to doing that and reporting back on it to you in due course. This is such a wonderful project for me to have even the slightest connection with.

I had to deliver 2 hours of team-building activities, whilst also developing active/reflective listening skills and timekeeping. They were a delightful group of people to work with, and I believe it was a great success (more because of them than me!). There is a picture of us all after the training, plus additional pictures I took as I walked home, including the final one of Ananda working in his garage.


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