Thursday 30th January 2025

Today has turned out to be my last day in Nuwara Eliya, and what a relaxing day it was, as I was able to get up a bit later for a 09:00 breakfast, before getting on with packing up all my stuff. I do seem to have accumulated rather a lot of stuff over the past 5 years that I have been coming out to Sri Lanka, so I anticipate a 'downsizing' exercise at some point in the near future, although I will almost certainly be leaving more here than I take home with me.

Whilst I was packing, I was very touched to receive a note from Yad inviting me out for lunch to acknowledge 5 years spent supporting Tea Leaf, and to say goodbye until next year, although I hope to see Yad again at Vino and Thila's wedding in Hatton on 10th February. We met at Pizza Hut at 13:00, with Jana, Sutharshan, and Miggy joining us. I enjoyed chatting with them about Tea Leaf and the Cookstove Project, and I have to say that the pizza was excellent!

After lunch, Yad, Jana, and Miggy went one way towards Blackpool, and I walked into town with Sutharshan. I went to Bale Bazaar to buy a couple of gifts at Jude's market stall, and to say goodbye to Raheem. He went shopping with me to get a vesti and a shirt for the wedding (ensuring I got a very good price for them) and he then drove me back up to Sky Heaven, where I completed my packing, just in time to go out for a last dinner in town with Isabelle.

We sat down at The Grand Thai Restaurant at The Grand Hotel, but were advised that there was a large booked party arriving, and we would have to wait more than an hour for our food, so we moved upstairs to The Magnolia Restaurant, where the wait was shorter, and we enjoyed a very pleasant dinner. I walked back up the hill to Sky Heaven with Isabelle for the last time, and we said our goodbyes, as I will be up much earlier for breakfast tomorrow morning than her.

Today's photos are taken after our lovely meal out at The Grand Hotel this evening, and on our walk back to Sky Heaven.


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