Saturday 25th January 2025

Having got to the end of the week feeling completely exhausted, I had a wonderfully long sleep last night in my own bed! Of course, it isn't my own bed in one sense, but it is a very comfortable bed in a place in Nuwara Eliya that has become my 'home' for the month that I am supporting Tea Leaf. A long sleep, and a late breakfast was just the tonic that I needed before embarking on the long to-do list that I need to complete before my next demanding role in Kurunegala.

So why on earth am I pushing myself so hard is an obvious question that I need to address. Basically, I am here to support Tea Leaf this month, and the Royal International School in Kurunegala in February. I am not a tourist, and I have a job to do which I take extremely seriously - maybe too seriously at times - so I do have very high expectations of myself. I have been like this my whole life, so it's difficult for me to compromise on the standards that I set for myself.

Having said that, I did say - tongue in cheek - to my 'Boss' the other day that 'I can do the impossible, but miracles take me a little longer!' It has been a wake-up call for me this time that I absolutely cannot do the impossible, because it is indeed impossible! There are only so many hours in a day, and at least one day is taken up with my responsibilities as Volunteer Coordinator. 'You cannot squeeze a quart into a pint pot' is a familiar, old expression that comes to mind here!

I did enjoy a bit of free time in the middle of the day today when I went out for lunch at Themparadu with my good friend Kamal Raj. As you will see from the picture of the entrance, it is a bit of an alternative venue, and I was particularly amused by the notice saying: 'WE HAVE BEER ASS COLD AS YOUR EX'S HEART'. The food was great, the company was great, and I did have a cold beer, which turned out to be in a can, and was slightly chilly at best!

Today's photographs are of my lovely time at Themparadu with Kamal Raj, plus a one of me at 'my desk' at Sky Heaven, and a few with Isabelle, our delightful French volunteer, who is such a great companion, and Krishan, who manages Sky Heaven, and has been extremely accommodating to Isabelle and myself during our stay at this wonderful place.


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