Thursday 30th January 2025

Today has turned out to be my last day in Nuwara Eliya, and what a relaxing day it was, as I was able to get up a bit later for a 09:00 breakfast, before getting on with packing up all my stuff. I do seem to have accumulated rather a lot of stuff over the past 5 years that I have been coming out to Sri Lanka, so I anticipate a 'downsizing' exercise at some point in the near future, although I will almost certainly be leaving more here than I take home with me. Whilst I was packing, I was very touched to receive a note from Yad inviting me out for lunch to acknowledge 5 years spent supporting Tea Leaf, and to say goodbye until next year, although I hope to see Yad again at Vino and Thila's wedding in Hatton on 10th February. We met at Pizza Hut at 13:00, with Jana, Sutharshan, and Miggy joining us. I enjoyed chatting with them about Tea Leaf and the Cookstove Project, and I have to say that the pizza was excellent! After lunch, Yad, Jana, and Miggy went one way towards Black...