Thursday 28th November 2024

With some sadness, we reached our final day at the Royal International School, and out last full day in Kurunegala. We hadn't been in school for that long before Valerie was whisked away on Sandra's instructions to go for a pedicure, to which I was also invited, but I already had a meeting booked with Ravi to chat about starting up a School Council. That took priority for me, of course, and I really enjoyed chatting to Ravi about his plans for this.

Val returned in time for lunch, and we were then visited by the Grade 1 teachers, followed by the Grade 2 teachers, and then 3 of the Maths teachers. They all wanted to say thank you and goodbye to us, which was very kind of them. At the end of the day, we also had a small leaving ceremony with Sandra, Ravi and senior staff in the conference room. We were able to convey our thanks to them for the fabulous welcome we have been given here by the school staff and the students.

I had an online meeting for Tea Leaf at 16:00 with Tim Pare and James Houston. It went on rather longer than I anticipated, and I had to dash off at the end, as a driver arrived to take me for the pedicure that I had missed earlier on the day. Having never had a pedicure in my life before, I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it, although it was a mad dash at the end of it, as Sandra had invited us round to her house for dinner this evening.

Sandra and Ravi were there for dinner, and Sandra had invited Agatha and Tharika to join us. She had got pizzas in, and we brought some brownies for dessert. It was lovely to spend time chatting with this lovely group of people on our last evening in Kurunegala. Ravi gave us a lift home afterwards, and it certainly felt a bit sad entering the little apartment for our last night there, as it has been a very pleasant home for us for the past 2 months.

Today's photographs show each of the goodbyes at school today, including one of us with Nimali, who has been our 'secretary' during our time working at the school, and has been extremely helpful.


  1. You appear to have been so busy that your time at the school will have passed quite quickly, I imagine.


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