Monday 25th November 2024

Valerie was off at 06:30 this morning, accompanying Sandra to Matale, where she was addressing a business meeting, whilst Valerie looked round a Buddhist temple, then a Hindu temple, before joining Sandra for lunch at an Indian restaurant, with a friend of Sandra's. I think Sandra enjoyed having some company on her journey to and from Matale, and Valerie was very happy to accompany her, and to enjoy yet another new experience.

I was supposed to go to Matale, too, but Sandra changed her mind yesterday evening, and asked me to come into school today to sort out a staffing issue, which I duly did, speaking to the various people concerned, and diffusing the situation as best as I could. I think I managed to do that fairly well, as all parties concerned seemed content with the outcome at the end of it all. It felt very much like being back as a Headteacher again!

I got back to the apartment and it just bucketed it down with rain, and continued to do so throughout the rest of the evening and through the night. I think the 'rainy' season hit us with full force today. I was gathering my thoughts for this evening's meeting, as Sandra had also asked me to meet with Agatha and Tharika to brainstorm a key move that they are making in the new school year in January, which will involve a lot of very careful planning.

Agatha and Tharika duly arrived in the pouring rain and we had a brainstorming session, using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of the potential move, with Sandra arriving in the middle of our discussions, and joining in. Once we were finished, she ordered pizzas and salads for us all, and we had a very pleasant evening together, probably our last little social event in our little apartment before we leave it at the end of the week.

Today's photographs are of Valerie's outing with Sandra to Matale, plus one of the ladies enjoying their pizzas and salads at our gathering this evening.


  1. It seems Sandra values your education experience quite highly, Keith!


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