Friday 25th October 2024

It was an early start today with Daya, as we had breakfast together before he then went into work for a while. We took full advantage of the swimming pool at that point, which is in a lovely setting. We swam for a long time and lay under the shade of a bamboo tree, which was just so relaxing! Daya came back just after 13:00 to pick us up to take us to St. John's Centre, where he is currently working, and it was great to meet a number of staff and students there.

We had a great circle discussion with a group of students, talking about some key life issues, such as the economy, politics, and marriage, which I think turned out to be the most interesting one! After this, Daya still had some work to do, so we took a tuk-tuk into town, getting off at Gandhi Park, where there was an art exhibition of students art work produced as an assignment in their final year of study. We also did a bit of shopping before Daya joined us.

We were already well into the evening by then, so we went out for dinner at a lovely place called Kalappu, where you can choose from a very diverse menu of foods. We thoroughly enjoyed what we chose, and we couldn't actually eat it all, so Daya gave some to our tuk-tuk driver, who then took us to another small outlet, where we had a highlight of our evening - a drink of kava chai, which is absolutely delicious, and highly to be recommended if you ever come to Sri Lanka.

On our way back we stopped off at Kallady Bridge, as there was a lovely view over to the Riviera Resort where we are staying. This view was further enhanced by some amazing flashes of lightening, which we did manage to take a couple of photos of. Daya had some sad news for us when we got back, as, although Ragu will arrive overnight, Rasi will not be able to come now, due to some annoying circumstances at work, which are beyond his control.

Today's photos are pretty self-explanatory, as they simply illustrate what I have written in the blog.


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