Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Having intended to get a very early night last night, I ended up celebrating Meena's birthday upstairs, and had a great time, particularly enjoying lots of games of carom - a board game a bit like pool, but played with discs that you flick into the pockets with your fingers (I'll take a picture at some point). We were up until midnight, and it was fun being with everyone and socialising, even if it meant that I got to bed extremely late for me in Sri Lanka.

I had not been in bed long before I was more ill with a stomach upset than I have ever been in Sri Lanka in my four visits, and it continued through the night. I think it must have been from something I picked up on my extremely long journey today. I am pretty sure it wasn't from the food I ate this evening, as we all ate the same things, and I don't think anyone was ill. I have no medicine with me for such occasions, so I am thinking of purchasing some pretty quickly.

Despite the lack of sleep, I still woke early, feeling completely exhausted, but I was being picked up for school at 08:30, and my stomach upset seemed to have settled somewhat, so I just took plenty of water with me, and I didn't eat all day (apart from a couple of crackers at break time. I lasted for most of the day, but eventually gave up around 14:30, and made my way into town to meet Choothi, who was picking me up in his tuk-tuk outside Nanu Oya Post Office.

I couldn't face going home to Blackpool, so I went to The Grand Hotel to rest and have a cup of tea. I did a bit of work on my laptop, including today's blog and diary, before giving up and sitting in a comfortable chair reading my John Grisham book. I feel completely washed out today, so I will certainly have that early night tonight, whatever happens on my return to Blackpool, or I will just be even worse when I wake up tomorrow morning.

Today's photos show the Intensive English Programme sessions I attended today, plus Remi and Sashi in their beautiful saris, then a couple of Nanu Oya town centre on my way home.


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