Wednesday 1st March 2023

I am still playing catch-up with my blogs, and I was looking forward to sharing today's adventures, as it was quite a day! Jesmin had asked me to do some promotional work today for the Palmerston Centre, and I was a little reluctant, as I wanted to get my final washing out of the way and start packing. In the end, I agreed to a 10:00 start, so that I could as least get my washing done and hung out to dry!

Apart from wanting to help Jesmin out, I was particularly keen to do the promotional work at Palmerston, as I would be accompanying Tharika, which is always great fun! Anushan took us in the school tuk-tuk, which hasn't been the most reliable of vehicles recently! We picked up Madona, the Principal at Palmerston and found out it was her birthday today - and what a birthday treat she had in store for her!

We managed the first school visit without incident, and we were very well received there. However, the second school visit proved much trickier, as the tuk-tuk broke down twice - the first time right outside a beer shop (which was quite tempting) and the second time - very fortuitously - just a few feet from a garage. By that time, we were very close to the school, so Tharika, Madona and I walked the last bit!

We were very well received at the second school, although I think it would be rather a long way for students from there to travel to get to Nanu Oya. The garage managed to patch up the tuk-tuk, although it was only a temporary fix, and it will need to be taken for a good service to ensure that it is a reliable vehicle for Tea Leaf to use in future. To be honest, this tuk-tuk has definitely seen better days and looks well past its sell-by date!

Today's photographs are a selection from today's adventurous journey in the school tuk-tuk - from the first school visit, to the tuk-tuk breaking down just before the second school visit!


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