Wednesday 22nd February 2023

I worked from home for most of the day today, as I was asked to stay for a meeting Yad and Jesmin were having with Naresh, Shamira, Orien, and Indio, who have almost come to the end of a 3-week block of volunteering - mainly at the Tea Leaf Centre in Nanu Oya. I thought it was a very comprehensive review of how they had found volunteering and how they might be able to help Tea Leaf in the future.

My quote of the day today came from Orien, who has the most amazing brain and challenges everything with question after question. The boys were intrigued by Ranger and asked Yad lots of questions about him. When Yad said that Ranger had fathered some puppies with a neighbouring dog, Orien asked her how she could be certain Ranger was the father, and whether she had done a DNA test to make sure!

I did some last-minute editing work on the KNH Final Report, which looked very good to me. There has been some wonderful work going on there, and I am looking forward to seeing how the KNH Project develops over time. My voluntary work with Tea Leaf tends to be focused on the teaching side of things, but I do love being able to have some involvement with the KNH Project as well whenever I can be of use.

I went into Nuwara Eliya late afternoon and spent a little time at The Grand Hotel before going into town to meet Daya. I went to the indoor market, where I took some great photos, and then took a couple more in the town as twilight descended. We ate a lovely meal at Milano's, which offers great food at very reasonable prices, and then took a tuk-tuk back to Blackpool, where I had an early night.

I attach a link today to the latest newsletter from Tea Leaf Times:

✨ It's a new Tea Leaf school year! (

Today's photos start with a lovely one of 49 of the current 50 staff employed by Tea Leaf taken in Maskeliya yesterday (one pregnant lady was unable to travel there!). It is wonderful to see how the staff has grown, with 17 men and 33 women now currently employed by Tea Leaf, and the number likely to continue ti increase over the next few months as the KNH Project expands. The rest of the photos are of my evening jaunt through Nuwara Eliya.


  1. Thank you for leading us through the market. The produce looks fresh - including the fish which must make quite a journey to reach Nuwara Eliya. What an impressive phalanx of teachers in Maskeliya - not a bad gender ratio, I suppose?


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