Wednesday 25th January 2023

I'd like to start today with a huge thank you to the handful of people who are still reading my blog. It really is a handful - I barely get into double figures these days - and I joked with my wife Valerie yesterday that, apart from her, I have very few regular readers now. I am going to hang on in there, as I made a commitment to a couple of people in my Rotary Club that I would continue with it, even if it is hardly worth the effort now!

My lack of readers may well be due to the fact that, although I am in a beautiful country and having an amazing time generally, I lead quite a mundane existence from day-to-day, with today being no exception, as I stayed at home all day to continue to help Yad with the KNH Annual Report, which I have to say is actually very interesting for me, and not as tedious as it might sound, because it is such a rewarding project.

I did slip out for an early evening stroll, as the evening mist was falling and before it got dark! I found it rather atmospheric, as I live in a fascinating hilly area, with many local paths that I have yet to explore. I stopped by at the nearest tiny shop to where I live, one I have yet to purchase anything from, although I intend to rectify that soon. A young girl was stood in the shop holding a chicken, and I got a lovely photo of her.

There is a workshop running here first thing tomorrow morning, so I will escape into town in the morning to spend the day continuing with the KNH Annual Report at The Grand Hotel - and maybe popping in to see Donald and Ladushan, as I will have to spend a bit of time tidying up their Business Proposal. I'm hardly rushed off my feet, but I do have plenty of very basic work to keep me ticking over.

Today's photos are from my early evening stroll, including the lovely photo of the girl with the chicken and a guy I chatted to on the way back who was growing cabbages!


  1. The photo of the little girl holding a chicken is a winner, Keith. Keep up the good work (and the blog), please!

  2. Wow nice sir.. enjoy every seconds sir

  3. Still reading Keith! It’s good to get your impressions of ordinary life in Sri Lanka before we arrive there on 6 March. I’ll be in touch shortly to confirm our lunch date,

  4. Not in any way mundane Keith. Fascinating! The girl with the chicken photograph is delightful … a great cover photo for a book! Writing reports of projects … your forte!
    Wonderful work you are involved with B 🦊x


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