Saturday 28th January 2023

I woke up in the night to go to the loo - around 04:15 - and, as I often do, I checked my phone (because of the time difference) to see if there were any messages from back home. There weren't, but there was one from Tim Pare, asking me if I could attend an online call with him and Yad at 08:30! 'Just as well I checked!', I thought, as I put my alarm on for 07:45 before drifting back to sleep again.

The call was all to do with this Kindernothilfe (KNH) Proposal Document, where they are applying for a grant to significantly extend their current KNH Project. The problem is that it is a pretty intimidating, lengthy document to fill in, and it has to be in by the end of January. Tim went through the document with both of us for some time, and that was basically it, as the rest of the day was spent working on it!

I didn't mind particularly, as my weekend plans had, in usual Sri Lankan fashion, been rather blown apart, for various annoying reasons that I won't go into here. I say 'annoying', but they are only 'annoying' if you view them from a western perspective, which of course I naturally do. If I try to put my Sri Lankan hat on, I just say 'c'est la vie!' (that's French, I know, but it sort of covers exactly what I wanted to say)!

I actually enjoyed working with Yad on this today, because it is of huge benefit to Tea Leaf to get this right, as it will ensure funding for the next 5 years for this KNH Project, and it is a wonderful project, with great impact for some of the most vulnerable women and children in the tea plantations. There is not much point in me being out here if I cannot make a difference, and this weekend I can be of huge assistance with this!

Today's photos are simply a few of my favourite ones so far, as I didn't do anything today that warranted having a picture taken of it. There is a reason behind choosing each photo, which I won't bore you with - just suffice to say that they are each very special in their own way.


  1. It sounds as though the maxim 'when one door closes, another opens' may apply to the course of your weekend, Keith.

    1. Good evening Keith, thanks for the latest interesting blog and the photos. What is the lady in blue laughing at? Can you also find out what the Sri Lankan equivalent of "c'est la vie" is please so that we followers of your blog can learn some Sri Lankan!! Like Elena I think I have learned how to add my name at the top of this comment but if not, it's Adrian Logan! All the best


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