Monday 30th January 2023

Today was such a wonderfully refreshing change after a pretty turgid weekend slogging over the KNH Proposal! I was sent to visit the new Tea Leaf Centre at Udapussallawa today, and I had one of my favourite people as my travelling companion - the lovely Tharika Perera from the Central Team. We went in the Tea Leaf tuk-tuk, and Singkoguls was our tuk-tuk driver, a great young man with a rather wonderful name!

We arrived at Tea Leaf Centre Udapussallawa and Pramila, the new Principal, who I have known from my first trip out to Sri Lanka in 2019, was there to greet us, along with her team of staff - Ruwani, Sindujan, and Thanageshan. There was not a great deal to see yet, as they are in their early days of setting up the school and recruiting students, but you could see that the place has potential, albeit with a few obstacles to overcome too.

Today's trip was all about visiting two of the local government secondary schools - one Sinhala medium and the other Tamil medium - to promote Tea Leaf's English Diploma amongst the students. The Principal at the Sinhala medium school was very welcoming and even offered to promote the diploma at another secondary school as well as his own. The Principal at the Tamil medium school was not there, but we were able to leave all the promotional material.

It really was a pleasant day - so much so that, after a brief hour's tea break at The Grand Hotel on the way back, I was ready to go through the 'Log Frame' for the KNH Proposal on my return to Blackpool. The KNH Proposal has to be submitted by 16:00 tomorrow, so there will be one final push to tidy it up, as it is 90% there now I would think - just a bit more tinkering and editing and off it will go!

Today's photos are interesting, as they show you the staff of the new Tea Leaf Centre at Udapussellawa, with a couple of pictures of the work in progress, the view from the centre, and the visits to the two secondary schools.


  1. Roll on completion of the KNH proposal, but they are keeping you busy by moving you on to assisting with promotion of the new TLC. What fun to have a Tea Leaf tuk-tuk at your disposal!

  2. I hope you got your outputs and outcomes correct when you did the log frame!


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