Thursday 30th June 2022

I was up quite early today, as I was having breakfast with Daya at 07:30, so that we could walk to Blackpool Junction, get the bus to Nanuoya, and arrive at school by 08:30. Everything went according to plan, and fortunately the weather at the start of the day was okay, because later it turned into the worst day weather-wise, I had experienced since returning to Nuwara Eliya!

When I got to school, I met Nuzi, who I knew very well from when I was here in 2019 but had hardly seen at all this time round. She is getting married in August, so we chatted about her plans for the wedding and her hopes for the future generally. I gave her a card and some bangles for her wedding and was surprised to find that she had brought a gift for me - a rather nice pen, which I will treasure.

Today's blog is going to belong to Jesmin and Gobinath, two very special members of Tea Leaf Vision's team of staff. I spent a long time writing a general reference for each of them today, which was something I agreed that I would do at the outset of the Rotary International Project. They have both served as outstanding representatives of Tea Leaf Vision in delivering very successful outcomes for the project.

Jesmin is a member of the Central Management Team and helped to lead and manage the project, whereas Gobi was the key member of Tea Leaf Vision staff delivering the project. I have picked out some of my favourite photographs of each of them, as the weather was so awful today that I didn't take any new ones. So it is a well-earned tribute to Jesmin and Gobi today!


  1. Hello Keith.
    The meeting tonight was cancelled as so many members are absent that my speaker has therefore been postponed. Being a specialist nurse at the RUH, she was going to talk about dermatological skin problems in the older person. Very relevant!
    Your array of pictures are excellent, and they send out a very clear impression of the people and the way of life. Thanks.
    Your earlier report was quite an undertaking and made compelling reading with all the statistics and comments from so many school heads and administrators. Your time is running out, so keep up the good work and we'll see you back in the fall.
    Best wishes, Mike


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