Saturday 25th June 2022

As I suggested I would in yesterday's blog, I bounced back today, which you might argue is simply the power of positive thinking. I was feeling quite a lot better this morning after a good night's sleep, and after a relaxed start to the day, I ventured out to Nuwara Eliya. I started walking to Blackpool Junction, but I hadn't got very far when I was offered a lift in a tuk-tuk, so I accepted the offer.

I went to my office - i.e. The Grand Hotel and started work on an online presentation I am giving to a group of Croatian English teachers on Monday afternoon my time here in Sri Lanka, entitled 'English: The International Language'. I can't believe what I agree to do sometimes, but this invitation extends from voluntary work that Valerie and I do at our local school in Cres, Croatia, where we own a house.

I worked hard for a couple of hours, then treated myself to a lovely lunch in the Magnolia Room, even having a beer with it, which I very rarely do here in Sri Lanka. It only cost me 4,000LKR, which at a current exchange rate of £1 = 450LKR is only about £8:80. That is a huge extravagance here in Sri Lanka, but a fraction of what it would have cost at a similar hotel venue in the UK.

Kamal took a good photo of me, and after lunch, I took a couple of photos of the huge picture portraits in the reception area, that are a great throwback to this hotel's colonial history - four monarchs: Queen Victoria, King George V, King George VI, and Queen Elizabeth II. I will never forget this hotel, which I now have such a great affection for - more than for any hotel I've known in my life.


  1. Keith, I can sympathise entirely with your low mood on Friday. Liz and I are getting daily emails from Wanni whom we work with in Sri Lanka saying how bad the situation is and that the only practical help he can now give is to advise on home gardening techniques to help alleviate the food shortages and the cost of what is available.

  2. What a contrast between the aspirations of the Grand Hotel and the reality of the crisis which is slowly engulfing it. Keep your spirits up and you will help lift those of all with whom you come into contact, I know!


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