Monday 27th June 2022

I was up really early this morning, as I was feeling a bit anxious about having deliver a presentation to a group of Croatian English teachers, as part of their In-Service Training Day today. I was catching a government bus at Blackpool Junction at 07:30 - a 55-seater bus I think, with about 100 people on it - 99 little Sri Lankans and 1 very tall, overweight white guy - it must have looked very funny, I think!

I was at The Grand Hotel by 08:00, so I had breakfast there, which was a first for me. I had one of the best buffet breakfasts I have ever had in my life for 4,000LKR (just under £9). I explained that I needed a quiet room to prepare and deliver a presentation in, and they gave me an amazing room downstairs free of charge, which I thought was extremely kind of them. It made my day working in it!

The presentation went fairly well, with the Croatian teachers seeming to think it was better than I thought it was. I had prepared very thoroughly for it, but I still wasn't entirely happy with how it went, even though Mima seemed very pleased with it. I was relieved to get it over with, and I stayed a while longer at the hotel to relax a bit before heading back to Blackpool in the early evening.

Daya had arrived by the time I got back, and it was lovely to see him. He is going to be lodging with Yad and her family, so I will see quite a bit of him in my last week here. I hadn't been back long before there was a power cut, so Daya and I just chatted for a long time in the dark. Yad was loving having Daya around, as they are both very avid film buffs, and we chatted about films over dinner tonight.


  1. With the Croatian presentation under your belt (and Daya to talk to), perhaps you will be able to treat your last few days as well-earned holiday time before beginning the long journey back to the UK and making the adjustments which First World living will demand of you?


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