Tuesday 31st May 2022

The weather was appalling today - the monsoon rains were back with a vengeance - and although the teachers were in - there was no point in getting drenched when I had so much work that I could do from home. I was going to go in when the rain stopped, but it carried on all day, and I got so into my Monitoring and Evaluation Report for the Rotary International Project that I lost track of time.

I have now passed the half-way point of my 3-month visit here, and it is a good time to reflect on the experience so far. It has been a much tougher time than when I was here for 3 months at the end of 2019, but I am still enjoying it immensely, and I always believe I can learn from whatever I am faced with each day. I am confident I will achieve what I set out to do, even if it has been tricky!

I chatted to Tim Pare (who founded the Tea Leaf Trust with his wife Yasmene Shah) a few days ago, and he told me that I would probably look back on this 3-month visit as a time that I appreciated for what I learned whilst being in Sri Lanka at such a difficult time, and I think he is right, as I have felt that I am having a positive impact here, even in these most extreme of circumstances.

A couple of people have asked me about the beautiful blue machines in yesterday's photos! Well, they are the turbines (one double the capacity of the other) in the small hydro-electric power station that I visited with Gobi on Sunday. It's no surprise that I took no photos today, so I have picked a few of my favourite photos from over the past 6 weeks, a few you have seen and a few new ones!


  1. So many lovely smiles, but - most importantly - the subjects seem to be engaging well with the photographer!
    It is good that Tim Pare was able to 'monitor and evaluate' your experience thus far so wisely.


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