Monday 30th May 2022

School was open today, but only for the teachers, who were conducting online classes for the students, which is going to continue for the rest of this week - and maybe beyond, but it is difficult to plan that far ahead now, as you just don't know what is around the corner. I spent the morning working on my monitoring and evaluation report for the Rotary International Project, which is progressing well.

In the afternoon, I did some report writing training with Vino and Aruni. I know I can write a decent report, having spent the last 20 years of my life doing just that, but explaining to someone else how to do it, is a different matter, so I just hoped they managed to get some positive pointers from me this afternoon. They seemed to think it went well, so I hope they weren't just humouring me!

I took no photographs at all today, so today there are a few more from my wonderful day out yesterday. I took a few from the rooftop of Gobi's house (a flat roof, obviously!), and I hope you will get some idea of the amazing views that you get with it being so hilly all around you. Gobi's house is right next to the Hindu temple, and you can see various tea estates all around you, with their huge tea factories.

Having had a good breakfast yesterday, and a delicious lunch at Gobi's house, you can imagine my surprise when I saw the absolute feast that was presented to me and my Ukrainian friend Artem when I got back to Ananda's in the evening. Lasanthi had decided that she wanted to surprise us both with a treat, and, quite honestly, there was enough food there to feed at least 6 people - it really was amazing!


  1. Sorry to hear that the TLF teaching has had to go online. What is the beautiful blue machine? The symbol on top of the Hindu temple looks unusual.

  2. Hi Keith. Glad to hear you are still eating well! Is that blue machine Gobi’s secret basement generator?


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