Friday 27th May 2022

To continue from where I left off yesterday, I then went to visit a second school with Gobi - Ireby T.M.V. School, where we met 4 more teachers from different schools, including Mrs. Chandra, who has been having conversation sessions with Jan Mackenzie, and Ms. Devika, who has just started having conversation sessions with Liz Westbrook. They gave us a very warm welcome indeed.

Mr. Nicksonlenin, from the second 6-month Training Programme, had invited us for lunch at his house in Norwood, and on the way there we passed an enormous queue of people trying to buy kerosene. We met 8 teachers at his house, including Mrs. Florance, who has also been having conversation sessions with Liz Westbrook, and Mrs. Vanitha, who previously had conversation sessions with Jan Mackenzie.

One of the teachers told us that she had joined the kerosene queue at 08:00 in the morning, before any kerosene even arrived. They were giving out tokens with numbers on, and she was number 200 in the queue. By 16:00, when she went back to join the queue (someone had been keeping her place), she still had no kerosene, and the numbered tokens had gone beyond 2,000, which was quite astonishing!

We left Norwood well after16:30 and did not get back to Maskeliya until almost 18:00, just in time for me to have my dinner, whereas Gobi still had a long journey back to Bogawantalawa. I was exhausted, and not up for much at all after dinner, which is why I didn't manage to write my daily blog or my diary, but it was an even longer day for Gobi, who must have been shattered by the time he finally got home!


  1. I wonder how long the teacher had to wait for her kerosene can to be refilled let alone the person with token 2000? Very telling of the critical shortages, I presume.


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