Tuesday 26th April 2022

I had a good night's sleep at last, so I woke up ready for the day today, and it was a very busy one! I was excited that my host, Lasanthi, who is a wonderful cook, had made me egg hoppers for breakfast, as this was a real treat, especially as they were accompanied by pumpkin curry, which might not be your ideal breakfast choice, but, honestly, it is truly delicious, and it certainly sets you up for the day!

I was so happy to be in school all day today, having got there for 08:30 when it opened. There are pictures today of me outside the front of the school; of Mr Chan, the Principal, sat in his office; of the staff who were present at the early morning meeting; and of some of the students concentrating on their teachers as they delivered their lessons. The atmosphere in school was so friendly, warm and positive.

I observed three of the teachers teaching today, then spent time giving each of them feedback, which is something I hadn't done since I was last in Sri Lanka just over two years ago. It was fun, but I had forgotten how tiring it can be, and I am realising that, as a retired man of 64, I really need to pace myself, especially in this tropical heat, which is quite energy-sapping if you don't drink lots of water!

I have enjoyed getting rid of my formal school attire as soon as I get back to Ananda's, and chilling out in shorts, T-shirt, and flip-flops, even though the locals think it is a little chilly! There was another power cut for a few hours this afternoon, but I was relieved to complete today's blog as soon as dinner was over, knowing the power might be turned off around 21:00. You must just adapt and get used to it!


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