Tuesday 29th October 2019

I woke up today determined not to let the weather get me down, but it did occur to me that in my 61 years on this planet I have never experienced a period of more than 6 weeks where it has rained every single day! Of course, when I woke up it was raining, and it continued to rain for most of the day!

I travelled up to Maskeliya with Rachelle this afternoon and we stayed overnight at the Riverside Guesthouse, where I stayed when I spent the week in Maskeliya, so that we would be able to do our Tea Pick first thing on Wednesday. It was very nice to see Thiviya (20), Vilvadharsini (20) and Logitha (19) again. These are the three young ladies from Kilinochchi near Jaffna, who are lodging at the Riverside Guesthouse whilst they are studying at the Maskeliya Tea Leaf Vision School. I chatted to them quite a bit (especially Logitha) when I spent the week here and they were very friendly and helpful this evening.

Today's photographs show two pictures of Thiviya, Vilvadharshini and Logitha - one at the Riverside Guesthouse this evening and one in their beautiful dresses at the Speech Conference on Friday 27th September (which seems so long ago now).


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