Thursday 31st October 2019

Today was an amazing day, largely because it was the first day that I have had in Sri Lanka when it hasn’t rained at all! You have no idea how wonderful that felt after experiencing so much rain since I have been here.

I worked from home this morning and got some more washing done, including my blood-stained clothes from yesterday’s leech incident. I do think leeches are the most revolting of creatures and I never want to experience another one!

I had a very positive meeting with the Management Team this afternoon, which was great. It was an extremely useful meeting for me because I got positive responses on two fronts. They seemed genuinely pleased with the draft frameworks I have constructed for them for the three different sets of training and will now go through each of them carefully to see how they can be developed further. They also seemed very happy for me to visit the Youth Reconciliation Centres with Daya, so I was delighted with that.

After the meeting with the Management Team I met up with Rachelle and we went to see the accommodation she has found for me for when I come back to Sri Lanka next year. I was delighted with it and I may even spend my last couple of weeks with the family there, rather than living on my own where I am staying now, as it could get very lonely here, particularly in the evenings, when Rachelle goes on Sunday.

Today's photos show my probable accommodation for next year and the lovely view from it!


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